Wednesday, May 12, 2010

photo journalism

these are my 4 cats, bob, sly, Huxley, and Ben. They each have their own defects and qualities.

Bob has heart problems and may die at any time. Sly is morbidly obese and will not move unless he is forced to or he needs food. Huxley will fight to the last breath to avoid taking any medication. Ben, being both stupid and brave, tried to eat my German Shepherd's food. He snapped at Ben and now Ben is blind in one eye.

In these pictures, Ben is the red cat, with his right eye blackened. he once got his head stuck in a kleenex box and ran around running into many different things before getting out.

Sly is the large brown cat that can be seen three possible places, in his chair; curled around our dogs' water dish; and in someone's lap. he is terribly afraid of keiran.

Bob loved to eat plastic and rubber-bands, i say loved because they clogged up his intestine and we had to remove it. now his small intestine functions as both. he also has heart problems. One day while we left, my mom left a note for our neighbor, who was watching our cats for the day, it read, "if bob dies, stick him in the freezer".
the sad part was, me and my brother had no idea he was going to die and just happened to see the note.

Huxley is perfect, until he gets sick. Once ill, not even the four of us together can hold him down and administer his medication, he will fight, claw, scratch, bite, and even escape to avoid it.

Our family cats are wild and weird, but nonetheless, i love every one of them.

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